Sunday, 13 June 2010

Even more fencing

And the whole fence (nearly) in one shot. That is one hell of a lot of nails - over 500 boards and 1500 nails. And plenty of $$ and time. Still, should keep the dog, plus Oscar's football in check....

Decided to add another5 bays (15m) of fencing to take it to the shed. Sloped down a touch then dropped down to 1.5m at the shed, mainly because the scraps of feather edge I had were mainly damaged.

Monday, 31 May 2010

Still loads to do...

Err....and the view to the end of the garden - a new project! Then again I have an awesome new petrol strimmer and brushcutter to go to town on that!

Nice tidy shed!

All the fencing materials neatly packed away.

Took ages cutting up all the old bits of trees and fences..... lots to burn this winter though!

Ready for the stock fence....

Finished paining at last.

And the view of the house from down the garden.

Digging out for the new slabs around the shed - need some sharp sand to help with the level a bit!

And a few more posts to extend the fence down to the shed in time for the new lawn.

Finally the painting is finished!!

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Slow progress

Taking ages to remove all the foliage and ivy from the trees. Will be putting the stock fence on pretty soon.

Must make sure not to burn down the fence, shed or oil when I start that bonfire!

Finally finished the first coat (thankfully it will only need 2!). Starting to look like a house now!

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Some action at last!

Not content with just fencing this weekend, so redid the roof on the shed.  Horrible job that took me as long to clean up (removing the bitumen from my skin!) as it did to do.  Had to be done though because the stuff inside was getting wet when it rained.  Just got to spray the shed now and that job is done.  Then its just a small matter of a 50m2 patio and a new 250m2 lawn..... This is gonna cost a fortune! 

And now to the left side.  Half of it blew down so I had to renew this too from by the oil tank down.  Hard work cos all of the old tree stumps were really in the wrong place for the posts, so getting the new fence posts was really hard work.  Still, recovering all the old feather edge was trickier, but at least I managed to recover enough so that the fence looks tip tops again.

And the fence finished.  Note all those posts.... that's to do the rest of the garden - over 100m of post and rail stock fencing - when I get around to it....

Well, it's been nearly a year, so about time I did some more work in the garden.  Hastened somewhat by BOTH sides of the fence now being blown down.  Okay, so it has taken 5 months with the left side destroyed too, but 5 years with the right hand side.  So first things first.  Remove two trees from the right GAH.....  Here is the stump of one of them - hard work!